Sunday, 23 August 2020

Ngā kupu o te Wiki - The Words of the Week

 Each week in class we like to focus on a new word to add to our Te Reo word bank. 

Here are some words you may have heard. See if you can find out their meaning. You could use the online Māori dictionary by clicking here.





                                             Taonga                                          You could present these on a poster for me to share on the blog?

Tumut Minor League - 🏉 Good Luck Boys 🏉 Buckley Shield(under ...

1 comment:

  1. I imagine that you will get lots of awesome posters with those words - looking up the meaning has made me excited to learn more. I knew the word Wairua from our karakia but I didn't understand the meaning behind it until I used your link to the dictionary. Thanks Mrs Harding.
    From Mrs Burge
