Monday, 7 November 2016

Sunnyhills Kapahaka - Bucklands Beach Intermediate Saturday 17 September 2016

Sunnyhills Kapahaka rocks at the Koanga Festival at BBI!

Sunnyhills Performance Group performance at Buckland Beach Intermediate on Saturday 17 September 2016.

Our programme as fols:
Entry - Kapanapana
Haka - Ara Ngapuhi
Waiata Ringa - Whakarongo ake au
Poi - Purea Nei
Exit - Wairua Tapu

Olivia - Rm 20

Waiata Practice before performance

Whaea Tearani, Tiana, Kylie and Matua Jimmy have led our tamariki beautifully and thank you to our whanau for getting us to school for our practices.